Thursday 10 February 2011


I started reading the instruction manual when I got my camera, but admit that it has been collecting dust for the last week or two. I thought "ahh, I'll just play until I figure it out!"

So these are some of my 'test shots' if you will - was fairly pleased with some of them, but have somewhat sadly come to the conclusion that I will, in fact, have to read the manual. I need to figure out shutter speeds, focus points, and all those things which I have no clue about!

The palm tree in our garage... I know, it's a bit weird to have a palm tree in one's garage...

(this one's come out sideways - if anyone knows how to stop that happening when you post on here, please let me know! For now, just tilt your head.

The sunshine that greets me daily - one of the oh-so-good things about living here...

Trying out my macro setting on some weird cool flowers...

A piccie of the street where I live:

And I couldn't resist sticking a few of he who also lives on my street - Vox! (credit where credit is due, it was actually the hubby that took all of these excpet the first one)

(he was a bit bored of being my model by this time)

Tilt again.

And, by far one of my favourite EVER photos - I bet your dog doesn't wink at you!



  1. Lovely photos and a great looking dawg!

    I save my photos in Microsoft Picture Manager first and adjust them there (rotating, cropping etc) before uploading them to my blog post.

  2. Thanks... I did try rotating them on Picture Manager first and then uploading them, but they're still coming out sideways on here! Something is not quite right...
    Anyway, I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually!
