Saturday 29 January 2011

Do Not Litter...

Well, I've been out and about this morning (well, had a wander round the block), and took some pics of these sunflowers. Up until a couple of weeks ago this was a piece of land with nothing on it, just a few rocks and a lot of litter. And a sad, wonky little sign in the middle saying 'Do Not Litter'.

Then I went away for a week. When I got back and took the dog for a walk past that old piece of land, it was chockablock FULL of sunflowers!

Someone has taken it upon themselves to plant sunflower seeds there - someone obviously thought, as I myself did, 'what a sad, wasted, ugly bit of land', but then, unlike me, they actually did something about it.
And look how pretty it is now! Some of them are taller than me, and I love seeing people wandering by and going 'Wow! Look at that!' - it's totally unexpected.

Anyway, I got snapping in the hope that these pretty lil things might cheer you up like they cheered me up!

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Setting off...

Here goes... new year, new projects, new blog to try and keep up with it all!
The idea behind it is to make a kind of online photo scrapbook. To give it a bit of background, I'm living in Brazil, currently working with translation and teaching English, but somewhere in the middle of it all decided that I want to learn how to photograph - veered off the path a bit there, but I read something today which kind of resonated:

"To stick to a plan you made in your past is to be held hostage by a person who isn't you any more."

In other words, things change, go with it!

So, I have my new camera, a Nikon D5000, a ridiculously thick instruction manual of which I have read through to page 52 (of 230, I can just about manage the Auto settings), and a head full of ideas. It's actually quite a good place to be!

So join me as I try to figure it all out... I would love to have some company on the road, so do comment, share, and ask questions.

I started 2011 with the "resolution" (don't like that word, it sounds so final and contrary to what I just said about going with the changes that come about) to do things I LIKE and am PASSIONATE about. Hence deciding to get this photography thing that's been buzzing around inside me for a while now, off the ground.

I would love to hear some of your resolutions (and suggestions for a better word than that) for 2011 - while you're thinking, I'm off to see if I can get a couple of half-decent photos to get started!