Wednesday 26 January 2011

Setting off...

Here goes... new year, new projects, new blog to try and keep up with it all!
The idea behind it is to make a kind of online photo scrapbook. To give it a bit of background, I'm living in Brazil, currently working with translation and teaching English, but somewhere in the middle of it all decided that I want to learn how to photograph - veered off the path a bit there, but I read something today which kind of resonated:

"To stick to a plan you made in your past is to be held hostage by a person who isn't you any more."

In other words, things change, go with it!

So, I have my new camera, a Nikon D5000, a ridiculously thick instruction manual of which I have read through to page 52 (of 230, I can just about manage the Auto settings), and a head full of ideas. It's actually quite a good place to be!

So join me as I try to figure it all out... I would love to have some company on the road, so do comment, share, and ask questions.

I started 2011 with the "resolution" (don't like that word, it sounds so final and contrary to what I just said about going with the changes that come about) to do things I LIKE and am PASSIONATE about. Hence deciding to get this photography thing that's been buzzing around inside me for a while now, off the ground.

I would love to hear some of your resolutions (and suggestions for a better word than that) for 2011 - while you're thinking, I'm off to see if I can get a couple of half-decent photos to get started!

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